Monday, September 29, 2008

Turn it off!!

I was flipping through the television channels this evening, and instead of trying to find something entertaining, I was silently making note of just how many things were not worth watching.  Basically, everything is krap. I kind of watch things differently, now that I'm a parent, and I notice how many things are on television that I do NOT want my kid to see. One of my "guilty pleasures" was COPS. But I've started noticing how much the show makes me angry inside, and I often find myself saying out loud, "They need to just shoot the dude in the head and be done with it." And right now, I'm justifying that statement to myself.  Whether or not it's justified, I can't let that kind of stuff sit and fester in my head. 

I don't watch the local news on television, because everything is bad news. I remember one evening, the commerical break was the local news spot - "Coming up after House on your evening news" "Three children die in a tragic fire on the northside." "A teenager mauled by his neighbor's pitbull clings to life at St. Vincents'." "An elderly woman shot and killed - find out why on the news at 10." Now which of those headlines is appealing? None! Sure, they're sensational, and people like to see people in worse situations than themselves - makes them feel better, I guess.  You know, I can see showing some of the negative stuff if it's for a reason, as in, "Three children die in a tragic fire. Their mother and father have one child left, and lave lost everything they have. Here's how you can help..." But there's none of that to be found. So why waste your time? Just cut the tv off...

Here's an insightful quote on the topic:
Avoid destructive thinking. Improper negative thoughts sink people. A ship can sail around the world many, many times, but just let enough water get into the ship and it will sink. Just so with the human mind. Let enough negative thoughts or improper thoughts get into the human mind and the person sinks just like a ship. 
--Alfred A. Montapert

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never let nagative thoughts rent space in your head.