Monday, November 10, 2008

Here it quick take on the election

So the most irritating election is recent memory is finally over. Myself, along with 54 million others, are disappointed with the outcome, but 60+ million are quite pleased. I'm personally not knowledgeable enough about the inner workings of the political scene, so I won't try and make some profound, yet witty analysis of things to come. I will, however, say a few sentences about what I'm feeling inside.

Obviously, I voted for McCain. I voted for McCain because he was running against Obama. McCain was not a great candidate in the first place, and he either had the worst campaign advisor ever, or he himself decided not to listen to his advisor, because the man ran a terrible campaign. That aside, I voted for him because he promised to eliminate pork barrell spending coming from Congress. I voted for him because of the conservative republican platform (pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-family, etc). I voted for him because I know he would get to appoint some supreme court judges who actually believe that they ought to rule by the Constitution. I didn't vote for Obama for a number of reasons, but hey, I'm a conservative, so you can figure them out.

At any rate, I was driving home Tuesday night, and I felt like I needed to pray for Obama. So I did, for about 10 minutes, and then a couple more times over the next few days, after the results were in. It might not have made any difference to Obama, but it sure did to me. And I'll tell you, I do not feel any better about the damage I feel his presidency can bring about to America (undermining the Constitution with Supreme Court appointees, signing restrictive laws based on the global warming - or climate change, as it's currently called - krap that he and McCain both bought into, but can't actually explain to you if asked, etc.). I don't feel one bit better about that. But I do feel better, in a different sort of way. I guess it's the whole "turning it over to God" thing.

So what do I pray when I take our Pres-elect to the throne? I don't ask God to make him a conservative. I ask God to give him wisdom; to give him strength to make decisions that he KNOWS are right, and to NOT make decisions that he knows are WRONG; to keep he and his family safe from anyone who would try to harm him; to put people around him who can challenge his way of thinking; and that he'll develop a closer walk with the Lord.

Bottom line, just like Pres Bush, he's going to be dealing with things - probably on a daily basis - that you and I have NO CLUE about, and would never be able to handle. So devote a few miuntes in prayer every day for our next president. He's gonna need it...


Anonymous said...

"A closer walk with GOd" What is the evident that he is not close to God. Are you kidding me! You Conservative Chritians are what wrong with this country. The hate that came out of this 2000 campaign
was from the so call christian group. They are the least educated that the most hateful group of people on this earth.

The Conservative Chritians as they call themselve wrap the in God and the flag and think that God condons their behavior. These people truly do not believe in God. They don't. They belive in Fox and Rush. What does God have to with those two mentioned, but Conservative Chritians tune in because they already believe that CRAP.
So with that said, Please do not pray for Obama because you are going there with dirty hands. When you go there with dirty hands, It is not about the person you are praying about, but it is about You. And that has nothing to do with politic.

Anonymous said...

Did you pray that no one would hurt the Bush Family?
Why are you going there with tha Obamas? I am not thinking along that line. I am praying about the economy and othe condition of the US.


justin said...

See what I deal with on the regular, here? This person is upset because I'm praying for the safety, well-being, wisdom and walk with God of our future President. How could that be? I was going to say, "because they're a democrat, but that's not right." Billy Graham is a democrat. I doubt he would take objection to the prayers offered by your humbler blogger.
The observant reader will notice the anger and vitriol in the post (along with the grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors), which is something atypical of the "Conservative Christians" that they are lambasting with their judgments and misspellings. I believe the commenter is reading a little too much into the posting, and is taking something purely non-political and attacking a group of people based solely on his own personal biases - many of which seem inherited from NPR and Keith Olbermann. Can you say bitter (as well as misguided and a host of other adjectives)?

Now that I've addressed the commenter, I will address the comments. "What is the evident that he is not close to God." Translated, that sentence should read, "What is the evidence that he is not close to God?" Alright, I've already said that he holds some anti-biblical positions on issues. We don't need to get into that, as this is not a political blog. But it doesn't matter how closely someone walks with God, they can always be closer - which is what I'm praying for. I would pray the same for John McCain, for my pastor, for Joel Osteen. I do for myself, for our current President, and I will start doing so for the commenter, though they seem to think that they have the "Relationship with God" market cornered.

One more comment I wish to address is the issue about hate. I didn't see any hatred coming from conservative Christians, personally or in the media. There was that one pastor (can't remember his name), who was pretty vitriolic. But for the most part, the conservative Christian base simply disagreed with the man's stands on issues, and voted accordingly. Disagreement is not hatred. Pointing out someone's incorrect views is not hatred. What's hatred? Check this article about a 14-year old who decided to do an extra credit assignment for her class by wearing a "McCain's Girl" shirt to school one day and an "Obama's Girl" shirt the next. Guess which day she was attacked, chided by teachers, told to die, called names, etc? Exercise in "tolerance" I don't think I need to say. And besides, of the two of us, myself and the commenter, which one seems more likely to hate you based on some category that you fall into? Mmm, hmm. I thought so...

Anonymous said...

There is a reason why Microsoft put Spellcheck in place and it is beacause most people will misspell which I did not use today. You used an entire paragragh to show up imperfections we all have.
How Christian of you.

Let us get down to the red meat and stay there. " I didn't see any hatred coming from conservative Christians, personally or in the media." HMMMMM, lets see, lynch him, kill him, palling around with,
thug, drug dealer, man of the streets... to name a few unspiriture items called out by conservative Christian politicians and followers. If didn't see it or hear it, then you don't recognize it to be hate because those words spoken are a norm for you and your fellow Christians.
How many times did you hear this kind of laugage from the Dems and their followers, the so call none Christians? I didn't hear of any network camera man nor news person
being rough up at a Dem's rally. Where is the love?
"I've already said that he holds some anti-biblical positions on issues." Abortion is what you are trying to say? He is not driving women to the clinic nor telling them to do it. God gives us the ability to choose. Free will. Why is that? Do not blame Obama for my decision to go out in the world to screw up. It is all on me.
He erros on the side of allowing free women.

Why not talk about why these women are getting pregnant.

Disagreement on the issues is good politic. Each guy should put his issues on the table and explain why his is better and why the other guy plans sucks. The other guy in this election didn't explain because he used 2000 & 2004
tactics. In 2000, the
Conservative Christians crucified him, but there is no hate there.

"incorrect views is not hatred" This is so Michele Bachmann and James Dobson. The "incorrect views" HMMMM.... That deserves a face to face because it is incorrect on sooo many levels.

I guest all the Dems will be going to hell for being inclusive as well. I am so doom.


justin said...
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justin said...

Alright, anonymous...spell checker. "You used an entire paragragh to show up imperfections we all have. How Christian of you." Two things to highlight on this sentence. First, say what you mean!! I didn't use an entire paragraph and I'm not pointing out personal imperfections, just carelessness. Now, anyone can clearly see (as if anyone other than the two of us reads it) that I used a total of 10 words (while the paragraph is 160 words) to highlight the poor grammar used in the first post. If you're putting out something in public and you want to have it respected, it at has to - at the very LEAST - sound respectable, or you can forget it. Maybe this is a good lesson for you - take your time writing, copy your text and put it into MS Word and run the spelling/grammar check (press the F7 key), and most of all, reread the text back to yourself to see if it makes sense. Once all those conditions have been satisfied, THEN post it to a public forum. Of course, it doesn't matter how well you spell things, you're still wrong ;). As for the "How Christian of you" stab, give it up. You think that you should be able to start tearing into the conservative Christian demographic, talking about "wrapping in the flag and God" and "believing that CRAP," "least educated," and telling me I have "dirty hands" so I can't pray for someone; and then you have the gall to get onto me for pointing out your spelling errors and improper sentences? You really are "doom." (ala your last sentence in the previous post).

I'm really not going to dignify the part about "hate." Sure, some ignorant fool yelled "lynch him" at a rally. How are you tying that to Christians? Because the person speaking at the rally claims to be one? That's true democratic logic shining through.

So you didn't hear or see anything less than love from democrats throughout the election? How about the rumor that Sarah Palin's down's child was really her daughter's? How about the son of a democratic politician who hacked Palin's email and posted it on the web?
"I didn't hear of any network camera man nor news person being rough up at a Dem's rally. Where is the love?" What a wonderful question? Since you're asking, I think it's fair to answer. The answer is, you DIDN"T hear about people being roughed up a DNC conventions, because the conservative protesters aren't animals. However, you most certainly DID hear about people going to the RNC convention being attacked. Hmmm...republicans being attacked by democrats, people who don't even know them, just based on the fact they're dressed up nicely and going to a republican event. Here's a link from CNN (not that you'll read it):
56 Arrested at RNC

There are already several other posts on this blog about abortion. God does give you the ability to choose. You can choose to murder your two year-old, just as you can the one that hasn't come out yet. Does that make either right, because you can choose it? Of course not. Obama supports the option for women to kill their child while it's still inside the birth canal, as well as the ability to have it birthed and then let it die. Disrespect for human life, no getting around it. Just because you share that same disrespect doesn't make it right.
"Why not talk about why these women are getting pregnant. " Talk all you want, just don't kill children while you do it. Jeez.

""Pointing out someone's incorrect views is not hatred. " This is so Michele Bachmann and James Dobson. The "incorrect views" HMMMM.... That deserves a face to face because it is incorrect on sooo many levels."

Then are you hating me right now, as you're explicitly saying that my views are incorrect? Do I hate you because I know that you're incorrect on the issue of abortion and taxes and most other things we discuss of a political nature? No. Say what you mean!! Again, another reason why you might want to reread your posts before you hit the Submit/Publish button, to make sure you don't say things like "It's incorrect to say that saying someone is incorrect is not hatred."

"I guest all the Dems will be going to hell for being inclusive as well. I am so doom."
I don't understand that, and not because of the last sentence. Who said anything about going to hell, and who said anything about being or not being inclusive? Peace.